Television media advertising is one of the powerful media strategies in business marketing. It has high frequency potential, high intrusion value and high reach to customers. Also, spreading effect is high; it means that the television channel showing all over the world at the same time. SAMSUNG’s products mostly has short period lifetime it means that in a short time products will be replaced and launched new product. So, this television advertising is quite powerful a punch and suitable.
However, television advertising needs quite a lot of cost per advertisements. Moreover, sometimes customers are exposed by continuous commercial, they would not recognize anymore or might try to change channel surfing while commercials.
Samsung has tried to put outdoor campaign in high frequency on major commute routes. For example, in Time Square in New York City, one of the busiest places in the city is posted Samsung advertising. Samsung prefer to use the outdoor campaign because it has low cost per impression, large and spectacular advertisement possible, and they can choose key geographic areas. For instance, when Apple launched iPhon5 and put advertisement in streets outdoor, Samsung put outdoor advertisement of Galaxy note2 and Galaxy 3 beside Apple’s ads. It can be competing effect as well.
However, sometime outdoor can be legal limitations, brief message, and short exposure time. So, customers easily forget the advertisements.
Recently, internet advertisement of media selection is being importance issue. A lot of people are using internet service, and it has high potential to attract