Have you ever wondered what the similarities and the differences were between the Samurai and knights? Samurai and knights were very strong warriors in the medieval era, they had different cultural ideas, but Samurai and Knight also had similarities. Samurai and Knights were similar, but also different in some areas. The similarities between samurai and knights were greater than the differences. This can be shown by looking at three areas, social position, training and armor, and life, honor, and death.
Social Position: The first area of important similarities was social position. They have a comparison of both of their lords, lesser lords, kings, both military, classes and peasants. These similarities are significant because both Samurai and knights showed great loyalty to their lords.The samurai warriors who owed loyalty and military service to daimyos for land or regular payment. According to Document A: Social Pyramids, with families the Samurai’s made up to 10%of Japan's …show more content…
They had different thoughts about life and death because Samurai didn't care if someone died and the Knights cared a lot if someone died. Samurai also said, “Had I not known that I was dead already I would have mourned my loss of life,” and Document F Poems written by Samurai circa 1400, “The Song of Roland,”circa 1100 said, “God, I acknowledge my guilt and I beg for Thy mercy for all the sins, greater and lesser, witch I have committed from the hour of my birth until this day when I lie here overcome by death!”The code of Bushido is a code that they would be loyal to the king. However in one’s own life one becomes unavoidably involved in obligations between father and child, older and younger brother, and husband and wife.. These differences are significant because it explains how different these cultures are, and their own way of believing in