The European Knights code of honor known as chivalry was nowhere near the extremeness of bushido but none the less wasn’t taken lightly. Chivalry came from the French word chevalerie meaning “knighthood”. When knights weren’t fighting or residing in a castle they attended jousting tournaments and went hunting to keep their fighting tactics pristine. Chivalry valued generosity to all but especially to the needy. Knights were also expected to protect the church and women who they did not think very high of.
The Samurais and Knights didn’t see eye to eye when it came to women’s role in a community. The Japanese expected women to live as men showing honor and courage to their lord and even becoming a Samurai. On the other side of the spectrum the Knights thought of women as weak creatures to be idolized and not being able to fend for themselves. However he did stay loyal and performed kindly for his wife’s sake.
The Japanese Samurais and the European Knights were both fighters but they were