Sanctuary Soft, a young started up security software company in United Stated is planning to expand to overseas due to the need of providing the worldwide service to its client and the pressure by its shareholder. After the meeting between the company’s CEO and larger shareholders, they are distressed in whether stay in the US market or expand overseas. The four potential countries favour by Sanctuary Soft in its expansion plan included China, India, Germany and United Kingdom. In order to select a proper country for Sanctuary Soft’s first foreign expansion, this report will provide a detail explanation regard to the motivation of the first internationalization of Sanctuary Soft; the market opportunity of four possible foreign countries, and the expansion strategy in order to decide a proper countries for Sanctuary Soft’s first foreign penetration. Finally, this report will suggest some IHRM strategy/principle that Sanctuary Soft needs to consider in its selected foreign subsidiary. The motivation for internationalization
The major motivations for Sanctuary Soft become a multinational company (MNCs) is to explore foreign opportunities, so as to accumulate specific knowledge in order to build their capabilities to provide service to its global basis clients. The larger clients who use the information security system are often having global presence. Therefore Sanctuary Soft needs to acquire new ideas and skills in the overseas market in order to increase its capabilities to serve clients internationally. As we know that the Sanctuary Soft’s capability is being sceptical by its existing client due to the lack of global presence, thus it is obvious that Sanctuary Soft cannot just stay in their home country if they want to attract the larger global clients and increase its market competitive in the global basis. Thus, Internationalization is the way to enhance the customer’s confidence toward the company, and at the same time attract
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