Marin, a young girl who lives to dream believes in meeting someone “who might marry you and take you to live in a big house far away” (26). Marin feels as if she was in a prison and wants to be saved by a prince: a man who will marry her and take care of her- leaving the prison and going far away. The specific detail of far away implies the freedom she gains from the trapped place she is in currently. To gain this freedom is to find a man and marry him who he will then be in charge of Marin, the fact that he is in charge of Marin’s freedom determines the authority of her life. She believes that a man won’t be the man to dominate her life but instead become the key to her freedom. Marin is the oldest in Mango Street and gives advice to the girls living in Mango Street including Esperanza, she teaches Esperanza all about working and the world, informing her also how men work “Boys to see us and for us to see them” (27). Marin gives a source of handling men having the men be there for each individual as well as to be there for them creating contact to them that something should be given to as an exchange. Having men spot the women gives open opportunities to the men to dominate because they see the women are exposed to the man and rely on them. Marin has a boyfriend back in Puerto Rico but keeps the hopes that she might have someone in America to save her from the situation …show more content…
Rafaela is stunning and it’s a curse to her life. She married a man to escape the life living at home but now her husband is too protective of herself and doesn’t let her socialize. He locks her in the apartment and doesn’t even let her look out the window; he is scared she will run away with someone else because she is beautiful. When Rafaela’s husband is out playing dominoes with his friends on Tuesday nights, “Rafaela leans out the window and leans on her elbow and dreams her hair like Rapunzel” (79). Rafaela exposes herself to the outside world yet hoping she will be rescued again by another man. She wants to be rescued by another man hopping he isn’t like all other me who trao her in the “castle”. Her position determines the sadness gaze outside but in desperate needs. Rafaela murmurs through her eyes, the distance she has now of a being a child into a woman. Rafaela is a young girl and she resents being treated like a caged animal that forces her to tell the kids to buy her sweet drinks to sweeten her childhood once again. Since she never really had a childhood because that too has also been dominated by the man, she tries to revive it by bringing in sweets from drinks. However the metaphor of Rafaela dreams her hair like Rapunzel, makes her become a reinterpretation of a fairytale, who