One story from a survivor, a first grade teacher Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis states “I did what anyone would have done," she says. "That was my responsibility. I'm their teacher. That's my job."(Sandy Hook School Massacre “i will not let that day define me”). That day she saved all 15 of her first graders in a tiny bathroom stall where barely anyone could breathe. Nearly three years after that day, Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis, has written Choosing Hope to help others …show more content…
in their darkest times.
The day of the shooting all of america was in shock, worry, and fear. But after this we’ve became smarter. “Earlier this year, the school principal, Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, ordered a new security system installed that required visitors to be visibly identified and buzzed in. As part of the security system, the school locked its doors each day at 9:30 a.m.” the time the gunman Adam Lanza arrived. (CNN :Sandy Hook shooting: What happened?)
Colin B. a student at my school, was at school that day. When hearing this news he felt scared, and made him feel in danger.“I was wondering what if he came into our school, i was paranoid the whole day”. (Colin. B) all of the United States felt this way.The day Colin found out, he was with his classmates all together in his language arts class..All of him and his classmates were shocked, it shocked all of the world.
He was frightened and felt the need to help. He felt bad for the children,teachers who died and the families of the lost.
“Police secured the building, ensuring no other shooters were on site.
Police then escorted students and faculty out of the building to a nearby firehouse.As reports of the shooting made their way around town, frantic parents descended on the firehouse where the children had been taken.By nightfall, the firehouse became a gathering point for parents and family members whose loved ones would never walk out of the school.” (CNN :Sandy Hook shooting: What happened?). “Peter Lanza (Father of Adam Lanza) hadn't seen his son in the two years prior to the Dec. 14, 2012 shootings in Newtown, Conn. Peter and Adam's mother, Nancy Lanza, had divorced when Adam was in elementary school. Peter said he had tried to reconnect, but Adam continued to withdraw, ignoring his father's requests. Peter Lanza said he believes his son would have killed him if he had the chance.” (ABC
news) In this report, ABC news did Adam's father Peter, wishes his son was never born. He felt that if he wasn't born this wouldn't have happen, but think about it. Would we be as smarter as we are today? Would we have the security systems to protect as us as much anymore? Where would we be today? If this event never happened in history we wouldn’t have learned what was missing and how much security we truly need. This is the same for any other terrorist attack in american history. Such as: 9/11, Boston Bombings, The Batman movie premiere theatre shootings. Without these events happening we wouldn't have metal detectors at airports, or bag checks at theme parks or movie theatres. How much could terrorist and drug dealers and mad men get away with.
So one event in history can impact another generation in many ways, good and, or bad.