Dear Sir/Madam, It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you Sankalp, 2011-12, the student-run theatre initiative at MICA. Sankalp – MICA‟s annual theatre initiative - its main interface and cultural connect with its home city- Ahmedabad. Sankalp has always stood by the literal meaning of its name- a resolution. A resolution that through the medium of theatre, we will sensitise our society towards the burning social issues to which we have for long been indifferent to. A resolution, that each one of our audience leaves the theatre with a new perspective, inclined towards seeing the broader reason of their existence i.e. to make the world better place to live for everyone. A resolution, that we bring some positive difference in the lives of those in need. Sankalp, during its eleven years of existence, has maintained a firm belief in how theatre can be used to influence social change. This is evident in almost any activity it has initiated, from its annual feature plays at Natrani Theatre which are normally based on contemporary social issues to its street play event Rangmanch which brings to light key issues concerning the common man. This year, Sankalp takes the celebration of experimentation in theatre one step ahead with a full-fledged theatre festival on campus, which will run along with the three-day grand production at the Natrani Amphitheatre in Ahmedabad. We would be happy to build an association of mutual benefit with your organization, and share this connect with the city and its people, and the Indian student community at large. Warm Regards, Aditya & Mahesh Marketing, Sankalp 2011
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Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) is the first residential institute in the country and perhaps in the Asia-Pacific region dedicated to meeting the Integrated Marketing Communications needs of the industry, government and