Written by: Lou Yuxi
Supervised by: Chee Soo Lian
PSB Academy
June 2013
This research aimed at analyzing the causes and negative effects of Sanlu milk scandal in China in 2008.Many children suffered the diseases named urinary tract stone because of drinking the milk products which contain melamine. The main reason the companies do that is they want to increase the content of protein at less cost by adding melamine when they face the stresses of the rapid growth in dairy industry. The companies and government has no good supervision and quality tests. However, the government and the companies also have responsibility for this scandal, even as well as the consumers, because the lack of awareness of food safety, they have responsibility. Since the serious event, it has negative effects on society. On the one hand, to the public, people feel angry about this event, and it has influenced public’s attitude and habit. On the other hand, it is no doubt that the loss to dairy industry has been tremendous. Farmers and companies almost lost everything. Sanlu went bankrupts due to this scandal, and the other dairy companies also bear a great loss. Some countries banned imports of China dairy products. In this paper, the lessons in this incident and method will be discussed.
Key words: causes, negative effects, Sanlu milk powder, melamine, dairy industry
There was a milk powder scandal occurred in China in 2008.An increasing number of infants who have urinary tract stone had been reported since the spring of 2008. According to Chen (2009) , more than 29,400 infants and young children are victims, and even six children died in the incident by the end of 2008. This event damaged China’s dairy exports, or even food exports. A spokesman from the World Health Organization said that it was not an isolated accident, a large-scale intentional activity to deceive consumers for
References: Ruijia Yang, Wei Huang, Lishi Zhang, Miles Thomas & Xiaofang Pei (2009). Milk adulteration with melamine in China: crisis and response. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. Wiley Online Library. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1757-837X.2009.00018.x/abstract?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false Xiaojing Lu (2011) http://scialert.net/qredirect.php?doi=ajar.2011.176.185&linkid=pdf Junshi Chen (2009) http://www.cmj.org/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=200912134025550&flag=1 Fred Gale & Dinghuan Hu (2009) http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/51613/2/China%20Dairy%20industry%20IAAE%20_June2009.pdf Jianli Liu, Shuguang Ye & Lei Yuan (2010)