
Santa Paychecks Case Study

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1. Santa Spends More Than He Makes Santas paychecks are nothing to sneeze at, but he stays focused on his next raise. (Yes, of course Santa gets a raise each year!) He has no idea what it costs him to live the Santa life. He doesnt track his earnings nor his spending. Santas got to provide for his reindeer, his horse and his North Pole home - just like the rest of us. 2. Santa Has No Emergency Account Santas transportation tends to break down right in the middle of major blizzards. Only last week, he had to whip out his credit card to pay for sleigh-towing. When Santa finally made it to the repair shop, he again had pay for the sleigh repair with credit. Just last year, he nearly had frost bite after his brand new sleigh had broken down. 3. Santa Lives …show more content…

Santa doesnt know how to build in some fun to help him enjoy working in his checkbook. 5. Santa Spends His Raises and Bonuses Santa got a nice raise back in January, following his Bonus check in December (bonus based on number of chimneys completed for the year). He thought hed have plenty of money this year. But Santa likes nice, updated equipment at all times. He bought brand new gear for all his reindeer, even though last years would have done the job. 6. Santa Eats Most of His Meals Out Since Santas job requires that he spend a large amount of time traveling, Santa tends to eat out way too much. He also has to feed his reindeer each time he sits down to eat. The tips alone are enough to keep him in the poorhouse. 7. Santa Lives on the Edge Santa keeps himself so busy that he cant sit down and plan his life. He hasnt set up a plan to build extra money into his checkbook, nor has he made a decision to actually save any of his money. Even setting up automatic deposit would be helpful. Another emergency could wipe him out. (No more Santa?) 8. Santa is Not Preparing for the Future Santa, jolly fellow that he is, has no money set aside to work for

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