This question is Assumed Answered. Jerry George
Jerry George Jan 30, 2012 3:40 PM
All , As a background , we are running on SAP GRC 5.3 Version . When we initially Installed SAP GRC , we created a Ruleset "SAP Rule Set " based on SAP Provided Functions & Actions. Then we created one more Rule set for Client named "GLOBAL". On Course of time , we lost SAP RuleSet , as Global Ruleset was somw how copied to SAP Provided Ruleset Now , we need to have a fresh SAP RuleSet for comparison purpose with Customer Rule Set "Global ". We got the files from SAP GRC Folder 1) If we upload this Files whether it will overwrite all Available Ruleset in System , (Client Specific "Global "& SAP RuleSet ) or do we have an option just to upload to only one Rule Set . We dont want "Global" Ruleset to be overwritten ? 2) Also , Can you please tell me the steps which we need to perform to get thet SAP Rule Set Updated ? Thanks , Jerry George
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Re: GRC RuleSet Upload for SAP 5.3 Diego I. Yaryura
Diego I. Yaryura Jan 30, 2012 5:10 PM (in response to Jerry George)
Hello Jerry,
1) This point has been discussed so far in the forums, for example: Loading multiple rulesets?
GRC AC Rule Sets 2) There's no automatic procedure. check here: Note 1604722: Customers that have implemented Risk Analysis and Remediation should have customized the ruleset to meet their business requirements. Therefore, changes to the SAP best practice ruleset cannot be systematically updated via SAINT as it would potentially overwrite this customization.
However, customers may want to evaluate the changes incorporated into the most recent SAP ruleset to determine if the changes should be added to their own ruleset. Any modifications the customer desires to make will need to be manually made by the customer via the Rule Architect feature of access risk management. The