The story is set in South Africa in the mid-1970s during the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela and tells the struggles of South Africans against the Apartheid. In the movie, Sarafina is a high school girl in Soweto that gets involved in the student protests of 1976. Soweto is a very poor town unlike the city. Soweto looks Sarafina learns about the struggles of Africans through the secret lectures that her teacher, Mary Masembuko teaches. Also, Sarafina has to travel a long distance to see her mother because her mother works as a servant in a white household and never sees her children. When Sarafina starts talking to her mother about rebellion, Sarafina’s mother is displeased and tells her not to get involved. One day Mrs. Masembuko is imprisoned by the government and her imprisonment upsets her students. Soon after, the angered students start protesting and many are killed including her would-be boyfriend, Crocodile. After Sarafina and others start protesting against the Apartheid and Sarafina participates in the killing of constable Sabela. In addition, Sarafina and many others are imprisoned because of the protests against the government and the death of Sabela. Sarafina is interrogated and tortured in prison like many of the students arrested. After sometime, Sarafina is freed and goes back to her family. The ruling regime would kill 575 blacks over eight months in an attempt to quell the civil unrest.
Furthermore, the movie shows conflict in the black community like the generational divide between young high school students and their parents or adults. Students and some adults wanted change in the government. Other adults were not interested in change and wanted nothing to do with the rebellion against the apartheid. The movie shows how some students are trying to stop the women and men from buy anything from the store because the merchandise is provided by the government. In a way, the students are trying to stop the money flow of