Sarcoidosis is a “flesh-like’ condition that was first identified in 1869, as livid papillary psoriasis by Dr. Johnathan Hutchinson, a surgeon-dermatologist at King’s College Hospital, London, UK. Twenty-eight years later, in 1897 it was renamed after the Greek word roots; ‘sarco’ or’ sark’ meaning flesh, ‘eidos’ meaning like, and ‘osis’ meaning condition by Dr. Caesar Boeck. “Just before his death, C. Boeck published an extensive study of 24 cases of "benign miliary lupoids"; some of the cases showed involvement of the lungs, conjunctiva, bone, lymph nodes, spleen and nasal mucous membrane, thus becoming a multi-systemic disease” (Sharma, O.P., n.d.).
Sarcoidosis is defined as a non-contagious multi-systemic autoimmune disease …show more content…
African American women are twice as likely as African American men to be diagnosed with sarcoidosis. “In the United States, sarcoidosis is diagnosed in about one to two whites per 10,000 and in three to four blacks per every 10,000” (Cleveland Clinic, 2012). Genetic predisposition to the disease has not been confirmed but recent reports have uncovered “new evidence suggesting familial sarcoidosis supporting the role of genetic factors: the similarity of phenotypical presentation among families, the similarity of the mother/children and father/children ratios, and the higher incidence and phenotypical resemblance between homozygotic twins than between heterozygotic twins” (Nunes, H., Bouvry, D., Soler, P., & Valeryre, D., …show more content…
The lungs, lymph nodes and the skin are the most commonly affected areas with lung involvement representing more than 90 percent of all diagnosed sarcoidosis cases in the United States. Patients will usually present in the emergency department with an uncontrollable persistant dry cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing; sometimes lung case are symptom free despite abnormal chest X-rays and biopsy-proven sarcoidosis diagnoses. Lymph node associated Sarcoidosis is also seen in up to 90 percent of cases. Symptoms includes an enlarged spleen and the lymph nodes in the neck, under the chin, in the arm pits and groins. (Foundation of Sarcoidosis, 2014) Skin involvement includes a painful rash on the arms and legs known as erythema nodosum and discoloration called lupus pernio is on the cheeks lips, ears and nose. Other more rare manifestations include the bone, brain, eyes, heart, kidneys, liver, nervous system, salivary glands and sinuses. General symptoms of sarcoidosis