One reason that both Jean-Paul Sartre and Friedrich Nietzsche are known today as existentialist writers is that their philosophies of how we ought to …show more content…
His argument is that an absolute morality forces values on everyone in a society which advance the interests only of one group of people and which for the remainder are ?life denying?. He holds that the traditional distinction between good and evil has arisen from the perspective of a group he calls the ?slaves?, and insists that, like everything else, morality is ?conditioned by perspective?.[2] He protests against the negative way in which traditional codes of conduct are framed, and the way in which they promote ascetic values like sin, humility, and self-denial. The starting point of Nietzsche?s morality is thus essentially negative?it is based on the errors he thinks have contaminated traditional thinking about morality, and on his diagnosis of the state of European