Fortunato insulted Montresor so bad that he has to be avenged. Montresor feels he needs to defend his honor. He decides to lure Fortunato to his residence, so he can get his revenge. He goes out to a big event where there will be costumes and drinking. He takes him down a long staircase to what could be a basement. He calls the room a vault. The retribution may not be as rewarding as Montresor…
To start with, Montresor had two rules on how to get the perfect revenge. Montresor says that, "I must not only punish, but punish with impunity," and to let Fortunado know why he was getting revenge (228). While Montresor was trying to get revenge, he could not get caugh by anyone. He did not want people to be suspicious about what he was doing. So Montresor planned it out so well that he would be able to get away with it. For Montresor's second rule he was suppose to let Fortunado know why he was getting revenge. To Understand each rule and know why Montresor did not get a perfect revenge the reader will have to keep reading.…
The argument an author makes is not the easiest thing to pick out, particularly when the book is written about the life of someone else. I believe Hillenbrand’s main argument is that people can change their behaviors based on current situations and the environment they are in. Louie Zamperini grew up as a trouble maker. He thieved from neighbors’ kitchens and generally caused mayhem wherever he went. When propaganda regarding eugenics started to surface and a child from his neighborhood was declared to be feeble-minded, Louie resolved to clean up his act and make himself a better person. As Louie grew up, he transformed into an All-American track star and eventually a hero in the United States Air Force. Before becoming the hero Louie Zamperini is now known as, he struggled with his transformation from hoodlum to trackstar to hero. After the threat of being declared feeble-minded, Louie had realized that the hoodlum everyone knew, was not who he wanted to be. “The person that Louie had become was not, he knew, his authentic self. He made hesitant efforts to connect to others” (Hillenbrand 12). Louie Zamperini had reached the age that everyone hits. He had reached the age where he was beginning to realize what type of person he wanted to be and how he wanted to be remembered. Louie changed for the better. I believe that Hillenbrand used the book and Louie’s transformation to stress her feelings on the subject. Anyone who knew Louie prior to reading Hillenbrand’s book would have agreed that he stayed strong even in the worst of circumstances.…
“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could; but when he ventured upon, I vowed revenge.” Montresor has felt that he has been insulted by Fortunato and he seeks revenge upon him. Since Montresor is seeking revenge Fortunato has to watch out, but that may be hard because throughout the story Fortunato is gullible, full of pride, and is an alcoholic.…
Paper title: Critical Response to William Liberal and Jacob G. Hornberger on free health care…
Due to the fact that Montresor is crazy he is able to plot a big revenge on Fortunato. Montresor is aware of what he is doing which makes it all the more crazy."I ceased my labors and sat upon the bones(P.4,Li.2-4). This shows that Montresor is crazy because he wants to hear his friend suffer basically crying in his last breathes. It is easy to see that Montresor is not very stable in his own mind.…
To begin with, Montresor is an unreliable narrator. I think this because in the beginning of the story,(174) Montresor does not give any background or evidence of being insulted by Fortunato. The texts says, “ The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could...” Usually, when you are blaming someone that has done wrong to you, you would give a background, or evidence that they are in the wrong. My reason number two is that Montresor exaggerates his feelings and actions in the story, which is also why I believe he is bragging about his crime. “There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honor of the time...I well knew, to ensure their immediate disappearance, one and all, as soon as my back was turned.” (176) Here is a perfect example of Montresor's bragging. He's basically saying that, he the best of the best, the head chief, and everyone knows when he says to do something, they do it.…
Due to the revenge that arises from jealousy and pride, the Montresor, the protagonist, is so deeply involved in his thoughts of revenge from Fortunato, he does not even state why he seeks out revenge and the motive behind it. Pride, jealousy and the concept of killing someone go back to the time when people first came around. In the article, by Renee, she states when thoughts of revenge are developed in a person’s mind, it causes him to go insane and there is no time for second thoughts (1). The very first sentence from the story is “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge,” this clearly depicts the major theme of the story, enrooted in Montresor’s mind (DiYanni…
in a certain way, fortunato may have deserved some type of punishment for the continuous insults that he heaped upon montresor. whether that is true or not, montresor saw it that way. becuase of the various breaches of etiquette performed by fortunato, along with montresors background, it is clear that montresor did not later disagree with his decision to kill fortunato. even though by many standards, he was in the wrong, montresor felt justified through himself and his family. because of this, he will never show remorse for his…
Still, it also is a complex situation open to individual interpretation. Montresor plan of murder is motivated by a number of insults which are never mention in the story. However, the constantly indication of his family to be involved on the conflict may well take the reader to believe on a possible payback for some past encounter between families of society and power. The narrator’s tone when describing Fortunato, is a held feeling of likely envy, “You are rich, respected, admired, beloved, you are happy, as once I was.” Montresor sees on Fortunato, what he proclaims had once and misses at the moment. Therefore, Montresor reliability is to be…
Through his words and subsequent deeds we can also identify the trait of sadism in Montresor. “A wrong is redressed when retribution overtakes its redresser,” claims Montresor. He continues, “It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.” Montresor's aims are clear. Redress his perceived wrongs, punish the man who he feels wronged him, and make himself known to his offender as the one who has killed him. And while doing so, make him suffer in a way equal to the pain Montresor must have felt when insulted by Fortunato.…
1. In the story, “The Cask of Amontillado”, Montresor justifies the cruel murder of Fortunato by stating the “thousand injuries” and an “insult” against him. Based off of the text I believe these to actually not be intentional harm by Fortunato. In fact, I believe them to be based off impunity, or exemption from punishment or freedom…
"The thousand injuries at the hands of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge" (Poe, 173). Montresor is so convinced of the righteousness of his convictions that he "must not only punish but punish with impunity" (Poe, 173). Montresor also states how he must not fail to "make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong" (Poe, 173). Montresor's words prove how his prideful obsessions have deluded his mind enough to believe that Fortunato's wrongs justify his agonizing death. Furthermore, Montresor believes he should go unpunished for his…
Threat of Tyranny of the Majority not Strong enough to "Temper" the Spirit of Democracy…
In “The Cask of Amontillado” the theme revenge can be perceived with Montresor’s wishes to make Fortunato pay for insulting him. Montresor, an unreliable narrator, kills his rival (Fortunato) without thinking about it twice. Although, he does give Fortunato a chance to save himself by asking if he wishes to go back, when…