Please note that there are 2 required readings.
The Brethren by Woodward and Armstrong
(This is NOT John Grisham’s book)
There will be a test on this book within the first week of class.
Focus on the following: - The role of the clerk - The policy-making role of the Court - The cases discussed - The job of the Chief Justice - The balance on the Court - The personalities of the Justice - Be prepared for the first day of class to discuss the confirmation process of Judge Sonia Sotomayor and how she might change the court.
Hardball by Chris Matthews
In the book Hardball, Chris Matthews supports his observations and conclusions with quotes from a variety of sources. For eight (8) of the following quotes: - Identify the speaker - Explain its meaning
- Explain the relevance for particular political issues today – This should be a paragraph for each of the 8.
This is to be turned in the first day of class.
1. This Senator rejected the well-tailored dark blue suit so fashionable in DC “When I dress like that, no one comes up to me at the airport to say hello.”
2. “I’ve lived across the street from you for 18 years ... I shoveled your walk in winter. I cut your grass in summer... I didn’t think I had to ask you for your vote.” He never forgot her response. “Tom, I want you to know something: people like to be asked.”
3. “I will not make my age an issue in this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
4. “We succeed in enterprises which demand the positive qualities we posses, but we excel at those which also make use of our defects.”
5. He too ran against “Washington”. More than that, he said that “government is not the solution to our problems, it is the problem”.
6. “Believe me,” my friend Nick implored, “there’s no such thing as off the record. Don’t trust anyone.”