Satan is often portrayed in popular culture with the demonic appearance consisting of thick leathery red skin, long curled goats horns and hairy goats legs and a serpent like pointed tail. This image is frequently teamed with a Devil whose personality fits with the ideology of a daring and almost cheeky character. Comparing this seemingly loveable character to that of the aggressive and fear inspiring one found in the Bible brings one to question how such a difference …show more content…
Many of the things such as the horns, wings and leathery skin to which most in modern society have grown accustomed have been created and over time added to from alternate sources. These depictions though, can be related to the text through the use of terms such as dragon or serpent, because of the general interpretation of these terms into images by medieval artists and scholars.
Some of the images that are presented in modern media of the Devil appear to be derived from past ancient societies. One such example is that of the Greek god Pan (see appendix 1 & 2), a horned, hoofed goat-like monster. Another aspect of Satan which can be attributied to the modern veiw which his persona has adopted is that of extreme self-indulgence, involving excess eating, drinking and fornicating. Although the Bible shows no evidence of the Devil appearing in this particular form, it does however make connections between the Devil, debauchery and bribery(3 & …show more content…
He does this by twisting Gods words and manipulating Eve's innocent curiosity. This malignant side to Satan surfaces again throughout the Bible. An example is in Matthew 4:1-11 during the temptation of Christ. Here again Satan comes to swindle Jesus into worshipping him. Satan also appears in Job, although this time as the accuser, he continues in his vindictive fashion. These are the more prominent appearences Satan makes and although they are not highly descriptive in the physical nature, they do however produce an overveiw to his persona. Although the personality in its own way can assist to create a visual drama of the physical image, this is not the only source. In Genesis chapter 3 it states that Satan was a serpent, thus having as serpents do scaley skin, aggressive and deceitful nature and venomous. Or as the Bible puts it, Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.' (Genesis 3:1)
Again in Revelations Satan is given a physical description, although this time appearing as a dragon. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan ' (Revelation 20:2) this description is as vague as the last although it does grant insight into the general appearance. These descriptions though can be seen in various modern day depictions of Satan encompassing the leathery skin, wings, horns and snakes