A 2009 poll showed that forty-six percent of the people in America say that abortion should be legal. The other forty-four percent say that it should defiantly be illegal. People argue that giving up a baby should be a freedom. That it should be up to the mother if she wants to keep the baby or abort. Others contend that it should be treated just like a murder crime. Unconscious of just how early and immediately the human development occurs, numerous Americans believe that it is acceptable to abort in the first three month of pregnancy. On the other hand, the majority of Americans consider abortion from the fourth month of pregnancy and on as an …show more content…
People say that if you abort early, then the baby is not really alive yet, but the baby is alive once it’s conceived. That means once the process starts, the fetus is alive. It doesn’t matter whether it has a face or hands yet. It is alive the second it was made. The only situation where I agree that abortion should be optional is in the case of rape. If a woman that has been raped and is found to be with child, but she decides she does not want to keep him, it is completely up to her. That baby might always be a reminder of that brutal incident and she is not to be blamed if she cannot live with that for the rest of her