Where have all of America’s jobs gone? If we grant a lot of illegal immigrants jobs and protection from deportation, it will only lead other immigrants to think it is OK to come into the country illegally, while also applying for jobs that Americans need and could be doing. Because of this there are U.S. shortages such as low income housing, low skilled jobs and low medical care. This is why America should not let in any more illegal immigrants. We as Americans let in at least a million or more legal immigrants in a year. The U.S. has about 11 million undocumented or illegal immigrants living here. Our country is made up of 88.9% native-born people and 11.1% foreign born, the number of foreign born is only going to increasing …show more content…
Unfortunately many make the terrible decision to be inpatient and enter the U.S. illegally. Most of the illegal immigrants’ homeland is Mexico and Central American countries, such as; Costa Rica, Guatemala and Panama, which are places often influenced by drug violence and financial hardships. Most illegal immigrants living in the United States stay for several years while they make a home and usually have children on US soil, thinking these children will be US citizens because they are born in the United States of America which is a typical misunderstanding of the 14th amendment. While the 14th amendment does state in part “All persons born or naturalized in the United State, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States...”. The sentence “…and subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” means that anyone born on U.S. soil has the same citizen status as that of their parents and to be US citizens, they and their parents, owe a direct and immediate allegiance to the America and are subject to its jurisdictions (laws). If their parents are illegal immigrants and not citizens then their children are not citizens