Knights are to obey the chivalric code and always be courageous, honorable, and just. For example in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain stepped up to the Green Knight’s task so King Arthur did not have to do it himself. In the movie the knights seem to be scared and run away from fights. For example when they run into the Knights that say Ni, instead of fighting them they obey their commands at search for what they want. Another …show more content…
The only role the women had in the movie was seducing Sir Galahad. The moving makes fun of how the only job women have is to care for men and please them as they wish. Another example of the movie making fun of women is the “fair maiden”. They portray her as this ugly woman which is used to mock women beauty in medieval times. Women do not play important roles in Monty Python and this shows itself proves a point in the structure of racial roles in Medieval Literature.
Although the Monty Python is a rather seemingly ignorant movie, the satirical elements put into the movie are rather clever. The movie mocks themes such as knightly behavior, characteristics of a noble quest, and the responsibilities of women. Ideas are taken from the literature and are ridiculed quite drastically through the various mocking. Monty Python’s use of exaggeration helps define their true intentions of creating their satirical