As a women, Sattareh was able to experience many situations that shaped her life as she fought for her country. Although education for women was a blessing it also brought woes as the people were still unable to fight for free speech. This reveals that free speech of Iran could not be expand even if Iran was being westernize. With such a weak change in free expression of the people, it will eventually cause chaos again in Iran. Nevertheless, the education that Sattareh achieved to receive, even as a women, was able to put into use as she opened a school for teaching individuals about social work. With her education of social work, it eventually revealed the darkness in Iran that were out of reach of the shah. For example, the orphanage and the inmates that they saw outside of Tehran were living under horrible conditions that it shocked Sattareh and her students (218). The sight of the conditions were horrible that it demonstrated how much corruption was involved and how little the shah or others knew of such conditions. With this event, Sattareh had to find ways to comfort the students who saw the horrible scene; however this event spurned a chain reaction. Instead of backing out, many of the young girls were able to put in a helping hand in making the orphanage and better place. At the same time, the women in …show more content…
As these historical events play their role, it continues to shape Iran and the way monarchs run the country. Even so, as Sattareh battles to have a comfortable life with her family, she runs into many life changing issues due to that fact that her family is a Qajar family. At the same time, her father was still considered a powerful and political figure that many still look upon and respect. But, as events come and goes, Sattareh must face them with the power of knowledge that she gains from education as a women. Although, she pursued education for the good of her country; she ends up only helped those that she could before the Iranian Revolution. With just education it cannot fulfill the desire of the people of Iran as Western ideas become a tool that is hated by the Iranians. Nevertheless, the historical events of the 20th century helped shape her education as a women and lead her to pursue the well-being of her