2nd Period AP Lang. and Comp.
3 November 2014
How to Poison the Earth Questions
Questions on Meaning:
The main purpose of this essay is to inform the readers about the threats we are causing
to the future of our planet because he explains how humans are poisoning the earth. Humans are poisoning the earth from their use of pesticides, ruining water supplies, forming radioactive materials, and drilling into the Earth’s surface. This idea can clearly be seen throughout the essay as Saukko writes, “the United States generates about eighteen tons of plutonium each year” this essentially instills that humans are already poisoning the earth and should become more aware of it. Saukko hopes that the reader will now be informed of the harms or “poisoning of the earth” …show more content…
that humans are allowing to be unleashed onto the Earth.
Rivers, oceans, and the lower atmosphere are three mechanisms that are used for the
cleansing of the earth. Each mechanism is used for an essential duty and is responsible for cleaning the land, sea, and air. Saukko points out that humans must completely rid the Earth of these environmentally beneficial factors to completely reach a state of a poisoned Earth.
Practices that are potentially destructive to our environment include nuclear reactors,
deep oil drilling, and working with machines that produce carbon emissions’. Each one provides a practical function as nuclear reactors are used for energy; however creates an immense amount of nuclear waste. Deep oil drilling is utilized to create fuel for cars and other transportation, yet
oil spills are extremely detrimental to habitats. Using machines that produce carbon emissions are used for transportation and everyday purposes, though result in CO2 emissions’ and global warming. All of these are used everyday by mankind, who are commonly unaware with the detrimental consequences. These activities are allowed regardless of their negative side effects since they serve an essential role in society by allowing for transportation, energy, and even make life more simplistic. However, these same goals that are being strived for from these practices can be reached through alternative energy, battery powered transportation, and reduced carbon emissions.
Questions on Writing Strategy:
Saukko's instructions are quite accurate and detailed on how humans go about to poison
the earth. Unfortunately humans are able to carry out all the steps that she addresses in her essay, because these steps are already being practiced by mankind. Nuclear waste is being made, humans are dumping waste into bodies of water, and deep drilling is happening. The author would not want to reveal how to create or set of a nuclear bomb because someone out there would actually make an attempt to do so.
This is explained through the author’s sarcasm when she says humans should poison the earth. She does not actually wish for the earth to be destroyed, but rather advocates for humans to realize what they are doing to the earth currently, and take responsibility for their actions.
Saukko organizes her essay through a chronologically based argument. Each step varies
on the process prior to it in order to be completed. This method is it especially practical, because it causes the reader to come to the realization how humans are currently poisoning the earth.
Humans are essentially doing all of what she is already addressing in her essay and it is clearly
having harming effects on the earth, resulting in pollution, deforestation, and hazardous water supplies. This is extremely compelling and forces the reader to realize that humans need to take responsibility for the harm they have brought to the Earth.
The intended audience of this essay are the average human being. This can be seen by the
author writing the essay in satirical style that criticizes humanity and is targeted at the
everyday person who permits environmentally harmful practices such as nuclear reactors or pollution of the air to occur in the first place.
The essay gives off a sarcastic, skeptical, and slightly bitter tone. This essay is an
apparent satire aimed at the human faults of environmentally harming the earth. The mere title and the essay instills the point she aspires to prove, that humans are already poisoning the earth.
The tone immensely contributes to her satire, because with an absence of a sarcastic tone the reader would more than likely actually take her writing seriously. From her use of the sarcastic tone this essay is considered a satire, not exactly a radical plan to bring demise to all life on earth. 5.)
Saukko uses the sentence, “we should generate as much waste as possible” to carry out
the poisoning of the earth. Humans are indicated to execute this process, especially normal human beings who live their everyday lives. All humans are to be held responsible for their choices, and responsible for the environmental downfall they have allowed to get out of hand.
Saukko uses specific examples since they are practiced in everyday life and present some
of the most dangerous effects. These examples vary from nuclear power plants to a combustion engine car. Some serious pollutants that Saukko does not address in his essay specifically are
Carbon Dioxide, plastics, other harmful chemicals, as well as deforestation.
Questions on Language:
These phrases emphasized in Saukko’s writing signal the tone of the essay since they
portray satirical and sarcastic comments reaching the conclusion that humans are already committing these actions. Humans are depicted as already contaminating lakes, rivers, fresh water sources, and land,which is showing its deterioration to the environment. These phrases should be read and analyzed sarcastically as well as metaphorically due to the fact that they are not meant to be read as serious, but rather employed to form a logical argument.
Generate: produce (energy, especially electricity).
Nuclear: operated or powered by atomic energy.
Toxins: a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms; synthetic toxicants created by artificial processes are thus excluded.
Lagoons: an artificial pool for storage and treatment of polluted or excessively hot sewage, industrial waste, etc.
Contamination: is the presence of a minor and unwanted constituent, contaminant or impurity in a material, physical body
, natural environment
, workplace , etc.
Buffering: lessen or moderate the impact of (something).
Neutralize: render (something) ineffective or harmless by applying an opposite force or effect.
Combustion: the process of burning something.