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ANTH 2403 – Social meaning of money
Major Essay: Question #4
Word count: 2183
It is this essays main claim that the breakdown of the Bretton Woods System, have lead to a neo-liberal condition, that seeks to integrate all aspects of social life into the economic sphere called financialisation. This can be understood with Chris A. Gregorys term 'savage money ', which is an expression of the dissolution between value and physical reality. In other words it is a conception of a money without any borders or limits, that because of this valuates everything on a relative foundation. A supplementary connection between postmodernism and neo-liberalism is posed, to further the understanding of 'savage money ' and thereby demonstrating the implications of a society based on the satisfaction of individual needs.
The essay consists of two major sections: The first is set to create a common ground, by explaining the theoretical and historical foundation for the development of neo-liberalism, by investigating the Nixon administrations choice to dissolve the Bretton Woods System.
The second has the purpose of showing the implications of this, by defining and demonstrating how neo-liberalism and post-modernism overlaps on several central points about the individual.
The conclusion is focused on relating the term 'savage money ' with neo-liberalism and post-modernism to pin-point what Gregory means with this term.
Keynesian and monetaristic approaches to economy
The English economist, John Maynard Keyne (1883-1946), developed an approach to economy that relied heavily on state involvement in the market. According to him the government could and should use the public consumption and investments to stimulate demand, and through this employment when the conjectures were bad. If the conjectures were good, the government should use the same tools to puncture the growth. He was a proponent of
Bibliography: Blackburn, R. (2006): Finance and the Fourth Dimension, New Left Review, vol. 39, pp. Freeman, C. (2007): The 'reputation ' of neoliberalism, American Ethnologist, vol. 34, no. 2, pp Gregory, C. A. (1997): Savage Money, Savage money: Anthropology and the Politics of Commodity Exchange Hochschild, A. R. (2007): Through the Crack of the Time Bind: From Market Management to Family Management, Anthropology of work, vol The Marcquarie Dictionary (2013): 6th ed. China: Pty Ltd. Zaloom, C. (2004): The Productive Life of Risk, Cultural Anthropology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. Zon, H. (2013): The unholy alliance of neoliberalism and postmodernism, Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift, vol