
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Quotes And Analysis

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Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Quotes And Analysis
“Lord of the Flies” by William Golding is a novel about a group of English boy trying to survive on a desert island. In the novel, Golding powerfully explains that every individual has the potential to bring out their inner evils. Hence, he includes many violent scenes throughout the novel to show the increase of the level of cruelty of the boys. The scenes of the boys brutally killing the mother pig, beating Simon to death and causing a cold-blooded murder of Piggy strongly contributes to the main theme of the story: savagery. The scene of the boys joyfully stabbing a sow supports the novel’s theme of brulety. In the beginning of the novel, Jack was unable to kill a piglet; this shows the time when the boys were innocent. However, as they

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