What should be my first lines?
A humorous incident is often the best way to open an anchor speech; something memorable that will raise a laugh without ridicule will grab the attention of your colleagues. Whether the incident was in a professional capacity or out of hours doesn't matter, as long as it's humorous and unlikely to offend you'll have got off on the right footing.
What's next?
Capturing the audience from your opening lines is essential. Once you have achieved that you'll be able to move at your own pace, mixing praise and appreciation with a few anecdotes to raise a laugh. Balance is everything, recognize the achievements of your colleague, the items that the audience will be able to relate to alongside a few throw away comments that highlight the humorous side of working together.
How long should my speech be?
Ten minutes will be long enough for an anchor speech, set the tone, mark the occasion but don't overstay your welcome by going into great detail. Cover the ground that you would want discussed about yourself, if there is anything that you aren't sure how appropriate it is best to leave it out; you don't want a silence in the middle of your speech or for any negative reaction.
Be yourself. While delivering a polished anchor speech don't try to imitate someone else. Be yourself, be natural and remember that you aren't the star attraction and you'll produce a good anchor speech that sets the tone for the event.