Dr. Cecilia Gowdy-Wygant
His 202-002
November 14, 2013
Saving Private Ryan The movie Saving Private Ryan has a great deal of historical significance. The first simple thing that is easy to point out is when they filmed it the goal of the producers was to film the most authentic depiction of the World War II that has ever been done. Stephen Silsberg tried to make the movie historically accurate as possible he could as the director of Saving Private Ryan. When it was released the timing was ideal because it was the end of the same century that had lived through both World Wars, and numerous of those soldiers were passing away who had served in the Army at the time of war. The movie stands as a remembrance of those Americans who fought to against Hitler with the Allies to protect freedom for all future generations. The movies shows an actuate account of June 6, 1944 or what is known as the D-Day. That is the historical day when allied soldiers came to land on the Beach of Normandy France about a fifty mile stretch of it. Even though, the invasion was well planned it ended up being controlled chaos. The movie showed the first wave of soldiers waiting on the boats, to come ashore, knowing that many of the men standing beside them would be killed shortly after landing. The feeling of excitement and anxiety was high, and the movie was able to capture that. As the first wave of soldiers landing on the Beach of Normandy they died as they ran ashore, others had to step of them. It showed it take time for the Allied forces to get a grip on the beach before they could move inland, and all the young men that gave their lives to do so. Although the movie has shows, the World War II is great detail, the main theme of the movie is about the “one child rule” and the Sullivian Rule. This Sullivian Rule states that siblings cannot directly serve together in the unit. The Sullivians had 5 children fighting in the war. Four of the five children were killed