The story follows a girl named Hester Prynne who was publicly outed as an adulteress. While the rest of the colony condemned her and constantly denounced her sins, the plot reveals that many other individuals were struggling with sins of their own, especially her fellow adulterer, Reverend Dimmesdale. It’s human nature to try to keep a good reputation for yourself, but the way the Puritans treated others who sinned made them complete hypocrites. After all, humans do sin frequently. This brings up the question of how closely this society actually followed their theological ethics. Since God is all-knowing, a true Christian would not hide their sins because the Lord already knows them. The Puritans seemed to be more concerned about what other humans thought than what their own God thought. Actions speak louder than words, and in the case of the characters in The Scarlet Letter, they are also contradictory of each
The story follows a girl named Hester Prynne who was publicly outed as an adulteress. While the rest of the colony condemned her and constantly denounced her sins, the plot reveals that many other individuals were struggling with sins of their own, especially her fellow adulterer, Reverend Dimmesdale. It’s human nature to try to keep a good reputation for yourself, but the way the Puritans treated others who sinned made them complete hypocrites. After all, humans do sin frequently. This brings up the question of how closely this society actually followed their theological ethics. Since God is all-knowing, a true Christian would not hide their sins because the Lord already knows them. The Puritans seemed to be more concerned about what other humans thought than what their own God thought. Actions speak louder than words, and in the case of the characters in The Scarlet Letter, they are also contradictory of each