Quote 1:
“ Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her guilt, and here should be the scene of her earthy punishment; perchance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul and work out another purity than that which she had lost; more saintlike, because the result of martyrdom” (Hawthorne 80). Hester choose to stay in Boston when she is able to choose to leave. She states that because she thinks this is the place that she commits her sin, also it will be the place she will receive punishments and tortures. Also she tries to figure out if she could purify herself by being tortured. From feminist lens, it shows that Hester owns her strength to deal with problems and confront big challenges. She never fails to take responsibility to continue her life. From psychoanalytic lens, her decision explains her courage to face the secular world optimistically and bravely.
Quote 2:
“ Vanity, it may be chose to mortify itself, by putting on, for ceremonials of pomp and state, the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands” (Hawthorne 83). Some people put on these fancy clothes in order to cover up their own vanities and ugly inside hearts. It reveals the ugliness of the world also contrast with Hester helps the poor with her needlework but from her sincere motivations. From historical lens, it gives the readers an insight people were sought for their own goods and will regardless what others have to suffer in that period of time. Also it reveals how dark that age is and how many people play hypocritical roles while hurting others dramatically without noticing. From psychoanalytic lens, that author describes all the un-human natures in order to suggest the fully human conscience. Also it will reveal his own way to portray romantic objects and cherish human’s kind nature.
Question 1: will the result of martyrdom purify Hester’s soul while she is fully guilty and regret in chapter 5? (80)
Question 2: What is