English Language Learners Legislation
1. Fill in the chart below by following these directions: Choose a school district. Identify the six subsections of the Florida Consent Decree (LULAC et al. v. The State Board of Education of Florida, 1990). Explain how your local school district is complying with each of the six subsections .
For example, if you were looking for information about the School District of Lee County’s ELL program you would consult the following web page: esol.leecountyschools.com.
School District: Lee County
How does the district comply?
I. Identification and Assessment
All students with limited English proficiency must be properly identified and assessed to ensure the provision of appropriate …show more content…
Lee County Complies by:
1. ELL students are entitled to equal access to all programs appropriate to their academic needs;
a. Compensatory
b. Exceptional Student Education
c. Vocational
d. Early Childhood
IV. Personnel
This section details the certificate coverage, and in-service training that teachers must have in order to be qualified to instruct ESOL students. Teachers may obtain the necessary training through university course work or through school district provided in-service training. The Consent Decree details specific requirements for ESOL certification and in-service training and sets standards for personnel delivering ESOL instruction.
Lee County Complies by:
1. Training and Certification Timelines
a. Certification
i. Bachelor or Master Degree in TESOL ii. Passing Score on ESOL Subject Area Test
b. ESOL Endorsement iii. 15 semester hours or 300 in-service credit points.
2. ESOL Competencies for …show more content…
General ed funds support prereferral services.
Schools may spend up to 15% IDEA funds for early intervening services (k-12 with emphasis on K-3)
Parental Choice
If parent does not dispute district’s program, privately placed child has no individual right to receive special education or related services.
Expenditure for services in private school placement chosen by parent must be equal to proportionate amount of federal funds made available to LEA.
Conflict Resolution
Does not specify role of lawyers in mediation room, left to decision of states.
Mediation is option before due process. Agreement is binding. Two-year limit on filing a complaint.
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) houses the department overseeing special education research.
Research assigned from OSEP to IES. National Center for Special Ed Research Created
Teacher Quality
Qualification mandates determined be states.
Aligned with NCLB. Teachers in core subjects must be highly qualified by 2006. Bachelor's degree, license or certificate, and demonstrated content area knowledge