Case :- A 17-year-old female presents to her local hospital 's E.R. at 7:45 in the morning on a school day. She appears apprehensive and uncomfortable. She winces and splints her chest to the right side when she coughs. She is examined by the attending resident.
Patient History :-
The patient is 17-years-old, and has been a smoker since the age of 12.
Recently she has had a persistent cough that has not responded to O.T.C. cold medicine.
This morning, as the student was getting ready for school she noticed that she was coughing up blood.
Therefore, rather than driving to her high school she decided to come to the E.R. for an examination.
Symptoms Face By Patient :-
Winces and splints her chest to the right side when she coughs.
Persistent cough
Coughing up blood
Blood in Sputum
Physical Examination:
Blood pressure is 125/75, and her pulse is 125.
Cardiac sounds are normal at all ausculation points.
Temperature is 104.3 F.
Respiratory rate is 23/minute.
Height is 5 '10", weight is 117 lbs.
Prelimininary Test & Their Results :-
HEENT examination: normal
Lungs: Inspection, palpation, percussion and ausculation of the lungs are normal expect for the following findings on the right lung:
With the patient seated upright, ausculation reveals the following findings at the 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces along the right midaxillary line: diminished vesicular breath sounds; enhanced bronchial breath sounds; increased intensity and clarity of spoken voice and whispered sounds; egophony; fine rales near the