Base on studies, Schizophrenia may result in a few combination of delusions, hallucinations, behavioral disordered and extreme disordered …show more content…
They might listen to voices talking to them and also seeing imaginary object and people.
• Behavioral disordered are defined as people that are acting abnormally as they might resist to instruction and doing agitated body movement. They might start withdrawing from their friends and family.
• Extreme disordered thinking are defined as unusual and abnormal ways of thinking. Can also be defined as “disorganize thinking”. They will have trouble organizing their thoughts or connecting them. They might also start talking meaningless word that are hard to be understand by others.
There are several negative symptoms, negative symptoms are hard to be recognize as part of the brain disorder. People with Schizophrenia are normally associated with abnormal emotion and behavior. They tend to start talking lesser even when they are forced to talk to people. They will be lack of motivation and pleasure to stay in daily life activities. They may start losing interest in maintaining their life