At the beginning of the film, John Nash comes to Princeton University as a new graduate student. Upon arrival, though ensured that he would have a single dorm, he meets his new roommate and eventual best friend, Charles. As time passes in college, Nash befriends very few other students, but insists that he is better with numbers then people. During this time he is also stressed about his thesis for grad school, but works very hard to achieve this goal. He eventually graduates from the University and moves on to become a professor at …show more content…
While different people experience the illness differently, Nash displays many of the symptoms of the disease. This is also one film that does not negatively display mental illness, like so many do - most of which are horror. Instead, this movie portrays how normal of a life that someone suffering from schizophrenia can live, despite it hindering their life. It also shows that anyone can succeed in life if they have a passion and perseverance to keep working toward their goal. Despite everything John Nash went through in this movie, or thought he went through, he still became a success and was able to lead a normal life. This is one film that many would agree is the way mental illness should be displayed on