Schizophrenia (in Greek split mind) is marked by delusions, hallucinations, illusions, distorted perceptions of reality, normal verses abnormal, and a “split” between thought and emotion. Schizophrenia troubles one percent of the world’s population, making it the most common psychosis. Approximately two million Americans suffer from this illness in one year and roughly half of all the people admitted to mental hospitals are schizophrenic. Many symptoms appear to be related to problems with selective attention. People also find it difficult to focus on one item of information at a time, have no contact with others, and a breakdown of personal habits.
There are four major subtypes of schizophrenia: disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, and undifferentiated. Incoherence, disorganized behavior, bizarre thinking, and inappropriate emotions mark disorganized type. Catatonic type is marked by stupor, rigidity, unresponsiveness, posturing, mutism, and, sometimes agitated, purposeless behavior. Paranoid is marked by a preoccupation with delusions or by frequent auditory hallucinations related to a single theme, especially grandeur or persecution. Lacking the specific features of catatonic, disorganized, and paranoid types mark the undifferentiated type.
There is no known cause of schizophrenia, many diseases result from interplay of genetic, behavioral, and other factors. So this could be the cause of Schizophrenia but it is not yet known. It has long been known that schizophrenia runs in families. People who have a close relative with schizophrenia are more likely to develop the disorder than are people who have no relatives with the illness. It is thought that malnutrition during pregnancy and complications at the time of birth and other events may cause offspring to be more vulnerable. Early psychological trauma, such as those caused by violence, abuse, neglect, separation, death, etc. can also add to the risk. Since