Panshak Yusufu Gomos
PPPA_8000_Foundations of Doctoral Studies
Walden University
Scholarly Resources.
Introduction and definition.
In order to publish a scientific research or document an original piece of work (usually as an article in some journal), it needs to be reviewed (checked, commented upon and corrected if necessary). This is usually done by several professional, scholars or academics in that very field (peers).
Peer-reviewed (scholarly) articles and publications fundamentally differ from non-peer reviewed articles and publications in characteristics and structure of content, presentation and delivery.
Peer-reviewed journals / articles have the following characteristics that distinguish them from others primarily due to the following key features:
1. Abstract: a summarized description of the author’s main thoughts, ideas or research hypothesis
2. Author’s affiliations: capturing the writers field, professional bias and work area
3. Specialized vocabulary: specific to the discipline covered, assumes some prerequisite familiarity with key concepts and ideologies. Sometimes has mathematical / symbolic notation & formulae, graphs and charts.Usually very limited glossy pictures and colors
4. Bibliography: summarized citation of all sources (books, websites,articles) of the peer-reviewed document.
Non peer-review articles can be further classified into (Substantive news / General interest, Popular and Sensational)
Substantive news and general interest articles are typically periodicals sometimes in newsprint format basically related to politics, economics, arts, sciences or current affairs. They can be easily differentiated from scholarly articles by the following key features:
1. Byline: names of authors of the content (usually professional writers or journalists)
2. Research Study: unlike scholarly articles, they may cite their sources as a research but
References: Bell, Colleen. 2003. ‘Critical Evaluation of Information Sources Or, But Is It Credible’? University of Oregon Libraries. Retrieved from: Engle, M. (2008). ‘Distinguishing scholarly journals from other periodicals’ Retrieved from Cornell University’s Library Department website: Identifying and evaluating online resources {study notes},(2013). Retrieved from: http// Introduction to Walden University Library {study notes},(2013). Retrieved from: http//