‘Psychoanalysis and Women’s Experiences of “Coming Out”’ is an essay by M. Magee and D. Miller; it is part of a collection devoted to homosexuality as seen from psychoanalytic perspective. In their essay, the authors explore historical and cultural dimensions of female homosexuality and experiences of its revelation in society. They step back in history to 1920 when Freud wrote his vision of the issue in “The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman”. Using Freud’s opinion as a background, the authors claim the controversy and importance of the coming-out stage in terms of its impact on a social and private identity. The article states the idea of repression, which is both a barrier and a resource in coming out. Although threatening with failure as a social object, it is claimed that coming out is a healing process for a homosexual person. The point about it is that it gives a stressful resource for acting out the situation of conflict that has been kept inside for a long time (Magee, 1995, p. 98). The article deals with the challenges and uncertainties that a lesbian woman faces in her daily social interactions. The authors refute some critic’s statement about provocative and unnecessary character of coming out. Instead, they focus on coming out not as a public act but as a whole series of small choices and strategies that
‘Psychoanalysis and Women’s Experiences of “Coming Out”’ is an essay by M. Magee and D. Miller; it is part of a collection devoted to homosexuality as seen from psychoanalytic perspective. In their essay, the authors explore historical and cultural dimensions of female homosexuality and experiences of its revelation in society. They step back in history to 1920 when Freud wrote his vision of the issue in “The Psychogenesis of a Case of Homosexuality in a Woman”. Using Freud’s opinion as a background, the authors claim the controversy and importance of the coming-out stage in terms of its impact on a social and private identity. The article states the idea of repression, which is both a barrier and a resource in coming out. Although threatening with failure as a social object, it is claimed that coming out is a healing process for a homosexual person. The point about it is that it gives a stressful resource for acting out the situation of conflict that has been kept inside for a long time (Magee, 1995, p. 98). The article deals with the challenges and uncertainties that a lesbian woman faces in her daily social interactions. The authors refute some critic’s statement about provocative and unnecessary character of coming out. Instead, they focus on coming out not as a public act but as a whole series of small choices and strategies that