A leader must be confident in not only his abilities, but also in his followers’ abilities to reach the goal. A leader is humble enough to recognize value of his strengths and the need for the help of others. Instead of expecting 100% perfection, a leader must first be confident in and encourage 100% effort from each individual. Thus, a great leader will convey to his followers that each of their individual skills and abilities are absolutely critical in reaching the goal and that the leader is confident in each follower’s ability to contribute to the goal.
Closely related to confidence is cooperation and willingness to serve. In recognizing the value of others, a great leader will display and encourage cooperation among the followers and also be willing to serve when the need arises. A leader will listen to and address concerns that could potentially divide the team and make the best decision that encourages cooperation and keeps the team on track to the goal. Nothing is more damaging to a team than divisiveness that is derived from