APPLICA ATION FO ORM Indigen nous / Overseas Scho olarships fo or SBKWU (Fall 2012 2 /Spring 2 2013 Sessio on)
SBKW WU, Brewery Road, Quetta a (Pakistan)
Affix attest ted recent Photog graph
Please rea ad the following statemen nts carefully and answer in Yes or No on nly. It is mand datory to ans swer all the questions other rwise applicat tion will not b be entertaine ed. Tick the relevant S.No Question ns ans swer u a Pakistani N National with Balochistan L Local/Domici le? Are you 1 Yes No u less than or exact 35 year rs of age on c closing date i. .e. July 9, 201 12. Are you 2 Are you u less than or exact 40 year rs of age on c closing date i. .e. July 9, 201 12. (Only fo or full time regular faculty members of public sector r Universities/ /Colleges and d No Yes employees of the public sector R & D organizations) ompleted min nimum of 16 y years of academic educati on? Have co Yes No On selection would y you be able to o get leave sa anctioned for the whole st tudy period (Only fo or Governmen nt employees s) Yes No (Please tick “ Yes” in n case non‐go overnment em mployee / une employed / st tudent) Have/W Would secure admission in PhD or MS/M MPhil leading to PhD in Public sector University in Pakistan or abroad a as per HEC ap pproved list? Yes No exact 50% marks in HEC‐AE EF & GRE‐ gen neral test? Have more than or e Yes No o second divis sions throughout the acade emic career? Have more than two Yes No g any other SB BKWU /HEC scholarship. Availing Yes No Note: ‐ if f your reply is “YES” for ser rial number 1 1, 2,3,4,5 & 6 and “NO” for 7 & 8, pleas se proceed further and f fill out the rest of the app lication form. Name o of Applicant: Signature e of Applicant t: CNIC C Number: Date:
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Applica tion