I am interested in this issue because I believe that greater discipline in schools will decrease the student violence and the growing crime rate. School dropout rates have been continuously increasing for a long time. This may be a result of innocent students being mentally and physically bullied in schools. I would like to see young teenagers enjoy their education and to leave high school with a firm foundation for college and soaring dreams for their futures. I am sure that all parents desire success and the best in everything for their children.
I understand that students do not enjoy serving the consequences of discipline, but I do believe it is the best way to settle the matter of school violence and the student attitude problems towards teachers and other authorities. More discipline in schools may reduce the crime, violence, and vandalism in the schools so that the students can better focus on their schoolwork. Parents are concerned with their children graduating from school. If there is not enough discipline, it is possible that some students who want to learn and be educated, may be kept from schools due to the fear of violence