A recent survey done throughout the United States shows that three out of four public school teachers say that many of their students, ranging from kindergarteners to eighth graders, come to school hungry on a regular basis. Four out of five of these teachers say that their students come to school hungry weekly. Many of these teachers feel …show more content…
public and private schools” (healthline)
Lines of argument
The national school lunch program is too expensive for many districts to follow. The government will reimburse schools an amount if they completely follow the program’s guidelines. Even with this reimbursement it is still too expensive to create lunches that are up to par with these guidelines. The government does not reimburse the amount that is necessary to keep school lunch healthy as well as affordable. The USDA estimated that local schools would have to absorb more than $3 billion in increased food and labor costs under the new standards. These increased costs will equal about 10 cents for each reimbursable school lunch and about 27 cents for each reimbursable breakfast in 2015. Congress has only approved 6 additional cents for lunch to meet these new standards and has passed no additional funds for breakfast. (healthline school lunch stirs