talking? The lack of good and healthy food in schools cause a list of bad outcomes, including performing low academically and causing malnutrition for kids and teenagers.
School lunches are repetitive, without variety, vague, and they leave you empty.
Starting with small lunch “plates” then, to your choice of either plain or chocolate milk, then you go down to the salad bar, the salad as always on the edge of going bad, cucumbers, celery, garbanzo beans, corn, apples, pears, oranges, and bananas. Then finally you get to either your choice of a burger, a burrito, a corndog, or a slice of pizza. Such great and healthy options we have right? And can we not forget some people pay for their lunch. Due to school food pricing and quality, many students do not eat lunch and it is resulting in low academic productivity. Students do not make enough energy to learn and this brings an outcome of spacing off, falling asleep, and not being able to think. Junk food served at schools will cause students to have “trouble concentrating and can become slow learners. They will have trouble coping up with physical activities and perform poorly in sports” (Youth Leader Blogs). By improving school lunches there will be an intellectual change in students’ knowledge, helping them to learn quicker and do better on tests and in classes in
In spite of unhealthy food, repetitive food, and lack of nutrients, school food can have a health effect on students. According to Dr. Axe, “A recent study found that students who regularly ate school lunches were 29% more likely to be obese compared to those kids who brought their lunches from home.” Considering the fact that different schools might have healthier food options we know as a fact that our school does not.