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Design and implementation school management system par Gérard Rutayisire
National University of Rwanda - Degree of Bachelor in Information Technology 2010
Dans la categorie: Informatique et Télécommunications | Disponible en mode multipage |
DEDICATIONTo our dear parents regretted;To our dear wife Mushashi Victoire;To our dear children: SHEMA Alain and KAMANZI Idrissa;To our faithful friend Gerhard Kempf and his family: Monika Kempf, Marie and Carlos;To our dear brothers and sisters;To all our friends near and far;This work is dedicated.AKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe can not complete this project if it is advice, aid, consolidation of the share of people who are now forever etched in our memory.We express our greatest thanks to our dear family for their moral support and encouragement.We wish to express our deep gratitude and thanks to Mr. Gerhard Kempf and his family who during 30 years of friendship until today, has consistently expressed its support strictly moral, material and financial support to the conclusion my studies.May our gratitude also go to Dr. William Sahinguvu, despite its many duties, has agreed to provide leadership for this work, his counsel, his dedication, his availability, his comments and corrections are relevant led to the culmination of this work.We thank all the teachers of the NUR who have formed during this cycle of license. The success of this project is due, mainly, to the knowledge that we have been taught in previous years.We especially thank the teachers who advised us and towards the right path when necessary.All those who contributed in one way or another, to make this work, can be found here, the crowning of their efforts.RUTAYISIRE GerardiiiTABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATION iAKNOWLEDGEMENTS iiTABLE OF CONTENTS iiiLIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATION viLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES