PvdA begint met het zeggen van dat ze voor zijn. Jinte – Amy
Amy: Jinte and I are from the PvdA and we are favor because we think that everyone should be equal.
PVV staat daarna op en zeggen dat ze tegen zijn. Carmen – Julëtte
Carmen: Juliëtte and I are from the PVV and we are against because we think that everyone should show who they are and what they like. School uniforms make that almost impossible.
Amy: ‘… Should there be school uniforms in the Netherlands or not? Let the debate begin.‘ | Jinte ‘staat op’: Yes
I think that Having all students wear the same uniform helps create a sense that you belong somewhere and maintain a good school either by culture or spirit . And by showing that the expects an even higher standard, expectations are soon raised and students will usually respond with a better, more mature, behavior. | Carmen ’staat op’: No
I do not agree because school uniforms hamper original thinking in students. Everyone says that uniforms make students equal which will cause less bulling but has anyone ever thought about people who are forced to wear certain items, such as a head scarf, to school. They will be pulled out of school at an earlier age if they do not follow the family's religious beliefs. Not only that, all kids should be given the freedom to chose what they like rather than wearing what they do not like. We all have a right to individuality, to make personal choices and to express our personality. This right of free expression includes the way we choose to dress. Making everyone wear the same school uniform infringes on (goes against) our rights and is a misuse of authority. | Jinte: Do school uniforms help to scrap social inequalities? | Amy: Yes
Only a few inner-city schools have had problems with children wearing “gang