School uniforms have been the cause of many jokes and harassment to those who wore them. In the past, public schools considered uniforms old and out dated trends, though recently many public schools are starting to implement and enforce a uniform policy. The implementation of a school uniform policy is important if we are still striving to improve our students. The arguments against them are fading while the positive reasons are promoting school uniforms and gaining ground. Some of the possible benefits are safety, cost, uniformity and competition in academics instead of fashions. The main argument against them is the need for students to express their individual selves; this argument is losing ground compared to the benefits of the uniform policy. Today many public schools are mandating and enforcing school uniforms for their students. San Antonio School district requires all 60,000 of its students to wear uniforms; over 60% of Fort Worth 's elementary schools require their students to ware uniforms (Radcliffe 1999). In 1995,
Bibliography: Resources Bell, Becky. "LISD group focuses on school uniforms" Longview News Journal 22 March 2000; Local "California Leads nation in Public School Uniform Use." California School News 31 March 1997: 4 Caruso, Peter. "Individuality vs. Conformity: The Issue Behind School Uniforms." NASSP Bulletin 8,581 September 1996: 83-88. Chon, Carl A. "Mandatory School Uniforms." The School Administrator 53, 2 February 1996: 22-25 Grantham, Kimberly. "Restricting Student Dress in Public Schools." School Law Bulletin 25, Winter 1994: 1-10 Long Beach Crime Report Summary. Paliokas, Kathleen L. "Trying Uniforms On for Size." The American School Board Journal 183, 5 May 1996: 32-35 Proverbs. The Bible. The Living Bible. 3; 3-5 Radcliffe, Jennifer. "Irving joins movement supporting required attire." Star Telegram 25 March 1999 Ramos, Cindy. "Capitol moves" San Antonio Express-News 1 April 1997 Metro- Education Express: 4B Richardson, Ginger. "Student uniforms in vogue at schools in Fort Worth Officials report success of voluntary clothing programs." Fort Worth Star Telegram, 16 August 1995; Metro Teeters, Amy. "Growing up in uniform style." Fort Worth Star-Telegram 18 February 1997: Class Acts: 9 Texas State Law 11.162 of the Texas Education Code.