School uniforms, are they a burden to families in the United States, or are they preventing students form the hardships of being bullied? In a case of a low income family, uniforms are a better choice. Uniforms not only keep a school in order and prevent provocative clothing, but hide a student’s backgrounds from being manipulated by everyday bullies. School uniforms should be enforced in several schools because they teach students professionalism, will encourage teamwork and success in school, and prevent sexual harassment in schools and at home.…
In the article, “Pros and Cons of School Uniforms” it states, “If the children of a school are out causing trouble wearing the uniform from a school, it can reflect badly on that school and result in fewer parents wanting to send their children there” this explains that if a students is causing trouble outside the school, people that saw it they would know what school the students came from.…
uniforms also makes some people feel like they're in jail because they all were the same close so it's like they have numbers.The main reason is we should have the right to where what we want (school students have to wear school uniform…
From the years 1781 to 1789, the United States of America were governed under a document known as the Articles of Confederation. Prior to the ratification of today’s United States Constitution, this paper was the layout for the federal government that united the separate thirteen colonies in their movement for independence from Britain. It was put to the test as an effective form of command by a number of problems and events that arose shortly after America gained independence from its mother country. The signing of the Treaty of Paris granted the state’s new land and a new position in the world as a nation. Various ordinances came about in the mid 1780’s to address westward expansion. The Articles of Confederation were most successful in dealing with westward expansion due to the effectiveness of the Ordinances that were drafted under it and the benefits it brought. However the Articles of Confederation were substantially less ideal in managing America’s foreign relations. Therefore, rather than fixing the existing Articles, a new constitution was required. The Convention would draft an entirely new frame of government, at last it was “drafted in secret by delegates to the Constitutional…
When was the last time you saw a child in their school uniform? Probably quite recently. But have you ever thought how these children feel ? their entire school is wearing the same thing they are wearing? These children wear the same thing every single day they go to school. The only time they get to wear their own style of clothes is on the weekend. Making children wear the same thing everyday, thinking it's a good idea that helps them in school, probably only makes them hate school more. There are many reasons why school uniforms are a bad idea and should not be enforced on children. To start with, to buy them costs a lot of money. Secondly, school uniforms stop the child’s individuality from being expressed, keeping the entire school as…
Throughout the years, there has been much debate with schools across the country on whether or not students should be allowed to wear uniforms. Through past experience with this argument, it’s safe to say that wearing a uniform is not a bad thing at all. Why? For one, uniforms stop other students from being judged on how they look, two, they save families money and students will not pressure their parents into buying clothes some families can’t afford, and lastly uniforms increase safety and security. So I do strongly agree that students should be able to wear uniforms.…
This paper is about the issue of school uniforms and whether or not for schools (K-12) to require them. I analyzed three strong arguments from both sides of the issue. The side advocating uniforms argued that school uniforms keep students focused, which may lead to an improvement of grades. Advocates state uniforms deter students from crimes and save money for parents by relieving parents of the pressure of buying new clothes for every school year. The other side of the issue against uniforms in schools argue that uniforms threaten and infringe on student’s freedom of expression by requiring students to wear the uniforms with consequences if not hearkened. The opposition to uniforms also presented a study where the students oppose…
As I arrive at school, I hear girls behind me say, “Do you see what she is wearing, ew?” Everyday, I am bullied because of my attire. Because of the low income in my family, I do not always wear the most “stylish” outfits. Clothing type is one of the leading causes of bullying. Dorothy Espelage, a professor of educational psychology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, says she has seen an increase in "bullying related to clothes.” I believe schools need to impose school uniforms. If school uniforms were enforced, equality would be promoted to all students. Also, the uniforms would not be distracting or flashy.…
People are judged on what they say, where they go, and what they believe, but the main form of judgment is due to appearance. With one look, we make inferences on the economic status and background of other people. It is no secret that less fortunate people generally do not have as nice clothing as those who are wealthy. But is the difference in one’s clothing a worthy reason for them to be treated differently? The answer is no, yet it still occurs each and every day for students who are without uniforms. Children should not be treated differently just because their parents are unable to buy them trendier clothes. With the implementation of school uniforms, students can focus more on learning and building social connections based on interests and beliefs and not their societal status. School uniforms are the most effective way to eliminate social and economic differences among students.…
Many schools have opted out of allowing children and adolescents to free willingly choose what to wear to school, and instead have strictly enforced a school uniform policy with hopes of diverting student focus to mainly their schooling. Those who believe it has a positive effect claim that with all students looking equal they have nothing, and no one, to compete with or feel inferior to. Children, and adolescents especially, will always want to feel like their own individual. Taking away their right to express who they are with something as minuscule a graphic t-shirt leaves the door for other means of self-expression wide open, often leading to terrible choices that could possibly hinder them later in life.…
A school uniform is a specific design for clothing designated to be worn while attending academic classes at a school. The school context comprises grades one through twelve of public and private schools in the United States. Different schools and different grades within schools may have different uniforms, as determined by parents and school administration. In today’s society all public schools should require student uniform. These generations of school kids are more worried about how your hair looks, what name brand clothes you have on, and also what kind of shoes are on your feet. These kids are worried about all the wrong things. Instead of worrying about their peer’s attire they should be into their books. Worrying about all the wrong things can be distracting. When ones focus is on something other than what’s important can cause sidetracking. "We are under no illusions that it's a silver bullet that is going to make kids smarter," school board President Pedro A. Ramos said last week. "We do think it will improve school climate. It removes a lot of anxiety and stress from lives of our students and parents," (Johnston). To understand why this is an issue, let us look at the problem, why the problem is significant, whom the problem affects, why others’ attempts have failed, and how I propose to solve the problem. This is an everlasting debate that whether school uniforms should be worn or casual clothing is as good. And like most of the popular debate in the world it has no concrete answer, it totally depends on a person’s beliefs actually. For some it is a benefit for others a disadvantage. I believe public schools should require students to wear uniforms. First wearing school uniforms promotes good discipline. Second it reduces distractions. Thirdly it is a far less expensive to buy school uniforms than many other clothes.…
Another problem that may surface due to the implementation of school uniforms is the suppression of the individual's creativity and expression. Many students' express who they are through the way they dress. If a teenager wants to show the rest of the world that he loves Jesus, then he or she might wear a T-shirt that states a positive view…
The first school district in the United States to require all K-8 students to wear uniforms was Long Beach, CA, in January 1994. (Pro and con of school uniform). I believe all schools should have school uniforms. School uniforms add measures of safety in identical dress, Improve attendance and there is less bullying.…
Dress codes and uniforms have significantly helped reduce the potential for conflict by reducing ways in which gang members can identify themselves, which eliminates fear and intimidation. The foremost of arguments is that it reduces a good amount of social conflicts in schools. Often, bullying in schools may be a result of how a person dresses. Students who are unable to follow the latest fashion trends are easy targets for bullies in school, causing them to have many insecurities about themselves. The efficacy of uniforms, in improving academic performance and student attitudes, is often debated. A study published in The Journal of Education Research by David L. Brunsma,…
When students wear uniforms in schools there are positive effects on safety and it raises the esteem of the educational surroundings. Dressing alike in schools deters the wearing of certain colors that can be interpreted as gang colors. Being allowed to wear baggy pants in schools makes it easy to carry weapons onto school grounds. School “uniforms are attributed to decreasing behavior problems by: increasing attendance, lowering suspension rates, and decreasing substance abuse among students” (Gurskey, 1996, p. 46). Students have an increase in spirit, self-esteem, and a feeling of being a part of a group when uniforms are worn in schools (Thomas et al, 1992, 1994). School uniforms will help lighten any stress on students to fit into a certain group. There will be no competition with fashion and everyone will feel equal.…