The debate over school uniforms has been ongoing for years throughout the United States. Those advocating for school uniforms believe that one’s individuality is not determined by the style of clothes a student wears and that uniforms will build a sense of community. They also believe that students will care more about their education if they are dressed as if they are heading off to work instead of off to play. The opposition for school uniforms feels that uniforms squelch the students’ individuality and therefore violate their First Amendment right. It is also believed by the opposition that uniforms will not stop the students from acting out in the classroom. Does requiring students to wear school uniforms improve the educational experience for the student?
School uniforms are said to be highly beneficial. The case is best stated by Carleton Kendrick Ed.M., LCSW in his article “Reviewing School Uniforms.” “According to proponents of school uniforms, a wealth of potential benefits will follow their adoption: socioeconomic equalization, reduction in student violence and theft (related to clothing), increased attendance, restriction of gang activity, better identification of school intruders, reduction of peer pressure, improved ability to focus in class and better grades” (Kendrick). All good things from both the parents and educator’s viewpoint.
The most often cited pro-uniform study, Long Beach Unified School District in California, collected data from the 1993-94 school year in 56 elementary and 14 middle schools. It showed dramatic reductions in various crimes including drug use and credited a policy of requiring school uniforms (Kendrick).
Anecdotal evidence abounds. Anthony Poet, assistant principal at the Pueblo Del Sol Middle School in Arizona, reports that the uniform policy in his school has produced a decrease in discipline problems. While not at all popular with the students, one was
Cited: Brunsma, David L., and Kerry A. Rockquemore. "Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendence, Behavior Problems, Substance Abuse and Academic Achievement." Journal of Education Research. 92.1 (1998): 53-62. Print. Kelly, Melissa. "School Uniforms: Supreme Court Rulings and Effectiveness.", 17 Nov 2010. Web. 18 Nov 2010. <>. Kendrick, Carleton, Ed.M., LCSW. "Reviewing School Uniforms." Family Education., 29 jun 2010. Web. 18 Nov 2010. <>. Svensen, Ann. "School Uniforms: Pros and Cons." Family Education. Family Education, 19 Nov 2008. Web. 18 Nov 2010. <>.