I agree with Schuman when a factor of the issue involves inequality not only with first hand experience of living in a troubled neighborhood does it take an individual to obviously believe that. I believe that the race between people of color, and …show more content…
whites live in a different world, since contrast in issues they face. Schuman said “a young black man in Chicago has a 38,000 percent greater chance of being shot than a white person” and then proceeds to mention how the poorer communities are often the target for these horrific shootings, and that in result it can be said that poor communities should just arm themselves with firearms themselves for protection, although it's common to see these weapons used for crime, and less for self defense. Also imagine the constant pressure of possessing the firearm at all times not only do you pose as a threat to others but fear constantly will be on your mind. While Schuman believes that our unequal society can be the cause of the crimes involving guns, with full belief in this fact, I believe if we could give more aid to troubled neighborhoods we can reduce this issue.
How can we as Americans feel safe with the ease of access to firearms. That is inferring that anyone of age can purchase their own firearm, and whether they follow the law or not they can act out at any given time. There is so much ease between the ability to get a firearm, that these mass shootings can happen anywhere, even our kids are not safe. If a child is able to acquire a firearm without attention, how could limiting the purchase of weapons allow us to promote public safety, when the possibility of a child finding, and taking a parent or guardian's firearm.
Moreover, Schuman states “The psychological terror mass shootings inflict, in sum, is part of the broader social inequality that vulnerable groups must endure.” In society it would be unjust to even allow our kids to take any sort of weapon to defend themselves from the possibility of a mass shooting, and same for our teachers, and professors what’s not to say they won't act out and generate their own mass shooting, and or a student finding this weapon and using the firearm themselves.
Even our own form of public safety, has the possibility to act out against us, they carry the chance on their own shoulders to start a mass shooting, and we are supposed to feel safe around them, we can't assume they don't go through the same problems as ourselves or even the mass shooting
Nowadays, it seems like some of society has become desensitized to the headline of a mass shooting, well of course they’re horrific occurrences, and affect us, but they are occurring so often, and we have not acted upon this issue. Instead others worry that it’s not it hasn't happened to anyone they know or themselves. What I’ve noticed is, when a mass shooting happens an abundance of people at first begin to go around asking others if they have heard the news, and then go on explain, the situation then move on to go about their day, but then it’s only those few minutes they care, and then the feelings go away. Moreover the emotional responses to these tragedies are starting to fade away. I believe the without the ability to predict these mass shootings or support causes many people to acquire a sense of helplessness, towards the situations, and since we see these occurrences through our television or video, we commonly see the same tragic intensity and, that we can't change causing the desensitivity.
In conclusion, with agreement on Schuman's argument, one can come together to realize how guns, can be a positive for self defense, although if we did not possess these dangerous weapons, the possibility of being attacked by an individual or group can diminish or disappear. With the inequality between the crime rate involving guns one can also conclude the fact that, possibly the guns may not fully be the only issue, and the real conflict or tension can be from our society. The fact that inequality is even a factor in our society, is quite dreadful while it's obviously easy for anyone to infer that we need to treat each other with equality, doesn’t mean that any actions are being taken. The fact that this debate continues in our society shows our stances on this topic being a double side sword, that this issue can go either way we either give everyone the privilege of the right to bare arms or no one is granted the privilege. Although my stance on these issues are to revoke the right to bare arms in according to everyone since that if society just restricts our lower income areas, pose a new sense of in equality, and that inequality can stir up those areas and cause them to act out, and possibly acquire firearms, and start their mass shooting, it’s possible for them to not care but this whole issue on allowing our society access to these firearms means we have to work with the trust system for others to not act out, and is that enough for society and while we still to this day have to trust others to obey the law.