SCI 207
March 23, 2013
Hunger is one of the root causes to poverty due to the exponential growth of the human population. The effects of hunger are diverse and have a negative effect on the growth and life span of a person. Scientists believe that they can help alleviate hunger problems through alteration and modification of genes in foods. The research in this paper will give the pros and cons of GM foods and help answer the following questions that revolve around if society needs genetically modified foods to end global hunger, what are the negative and positive effects of preventing global hunger, what heath issues have been linked to genetic engineered foods, what are the benefits and concerns of genetic engineering foods and what effects genetically modified foods have on the environment.
Does society needs to genetically modified food to end global hunger issues? “Genetic Engineering is a field in biotechnology that genetically modifies organisms to add value or quantity to plants and animals.” Too many people in the world suffer from hunger or malnutrition. It is important to realize that genetic engineering is a tool that has greatly affected agriculture and will continue to bring dramatic advances in crop and animal production. By being able to harvest plants that have a cycle of once a year, farmers are able to now harvest multiply times in a growth cycle. “Biotechnology has improved the quality of food, feed, and fiber, and it often lowers production costs and provides for a safer farm environment.” (Spears, 2011)
While there are some promising aspects to possible improvement in the quality of the food supply for both livestock and humans through genetic engineering, but there is little hope of using it as a solution to end world hunger. The world hunger crisis has more to do with economics and politics than supply and production. Society seems to realize that investment’s in agriculture
References: Dr Abu Bakar, A. M. (1999, Jun 05). Pros and cons of genetically-modified food. New Straits Times. Retrieved from Global Research Center for research on Globalization Robbins, John, (2002) Are Genetically Altered Foods The Answer to World Hunger? Earth Island Journal, Winter Edition Ruse, M. (2011). Genetically Modified Foods: Debating Biotechnology. Prometheus books Spears, J.F. (2011) BiotechKnowlogy, Genetic Engineering of Food, Feed, and Fiber: Understanding Genetic Engineering. Retrieved from: Reference Turk, J., & Bensel, T. (2011). Contemporary environmental issues. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, (2011) Genetically Engineered Animals. Retrieved from: Engineering/GeneticallyEngineeredAnimals/default.htm