SCI 275
Appendix D
Air Pollution Chart
|Issue |Sources |Health/Environmental Effects |
|Carbon dioxide (CO2) |Burning carbon-containing |The buildup of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases |
| |fossil fuels accounts for most |warms the atmosphere by absorbing some of the outgoing infrared|
| |human-made Carbon dioxide |(heat) radiation. Some of the heat in the warmed atmosphere is |
| |(Berg, 2007). |transferred back to Earth 's surface, warming the land and ocean|
| |Land conversions, when tracts |(Berg, 2007). This is a positive effect. |
| |of tropical rainforest are |However, high levels of carbon dioxide can displace oxygen and |
| |logged or burned, emit Carbon |nitrogen, which can potentially cause health problems |
| |dioxide. They also accumulate |(Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2011). |
| |in the atmosphere as a result | |
| |of daily human activities, such| |
| |as being removed from the body | |
| |via the lungs in exhaled air | |
| |(Wisconsin Department of Health| |
References: Berg, L. R., & Hager, M. C. (2007). Visualizing environmental science. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons in collaboration with the National Geographic Society United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2011, July). Ground level Ozone. Retrieved from University of Rhode Island. (2006, April). Chlorofluorocarbons. Retrieved from University of Rhode Island. (2006, April). Sulfuric Acid. Retrieved from Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (2011, April). Carbon Dioxide. Retrieved from