A prestigious university which is very established in the world of economics and in terms of the experience the economics faculty is rich in knowledge. Idea of supervisions interests me as it gives me a chance to discuss economics and learn new ideas from professors who are at the forefront of economics. Allows me to criticize my views and always adapt them to what I believe is right. Famous economist have ome from Cambridge, some with opposing views which shows me that Cambridge creates an environment which doesn’t direct you to one view/belief but rather allows you to explore different theories and ideologies.
2. Why Cambridge and why did you choose Fitzwilliam in particular?
“Fitzwilliam College was founded in 1869. It is a dynamic, international community which believes in the power of education to transform individuals and society.”
3. As an individual what has been one of your main achievements and proudest moments to date?
Open University because at a time where I had to balance a lot of work and revision I managed to submit the course within the deadline time and pass the course.
4. What would you say is one of your major strengths and weaknesses?
My biggest strength I believe is to cope under situations which are very pressurised but one of my main weaknesses would be
5.Why do you think the world is facing a financial crisis and some countries are having to put in place measures of austerity?
Asset-bubble, over-spending, tax evasion, investing in toxic assets, sub-prime crisis, over confidence in period leading up to bubble burst, paying of accumulating debt/deficits, bail-outs
6. A common theme in your personal statement is about reducing inequality and creating a more equal and stable economy. Based on your study of economics to date and the books you have read , give me some examples of how this could be achieved please.
Great levelling, great compression showed