INTO Biology Practical
The chemicals tabulated below will be used in this experiment. The likely hazards associated with each of the chemicals are noted and recommended procedures for handling are given. Read this page and the description of the experiment before coming into the laboratory, noting any potential hazards. When you are satisfied that you understand any possible difficulties that might arise and the recommended procedures for dealing with them, sign the declaration and have it initialled by a demonstrator. Be sure to request information or help if you are in doubt on any point.
Methylated Spirit (ethanol, methanol, pyridine)
Harmful vapour
Harmful to skin
Irritant to eyes
Ventilate room
Wear gloves
Wear goggles
Dyes (bromophenol blue, xylene cyanol, ponceau 4R, orange G)
Irritant (xylene cyanol)
Wear gloves
TBE buffer (boric acid, EDTA, tris base)
Wear gloves
Irritant (eyes, powder)
Handle carefully
Wear gloves
Wear goggles
Not significant
Not significant
Notes: none.
Declaration - I have read and understood the contents of the Safety Information sheet for this experiment, and also the script for the Experiment.
Student's name:
Block capitals:...................................... Signed:....................................................
Date: ........................................ Checked (Demonstrator):............................
DNA Isolation and Visualisation
The laboratory work today consists of three stages.
1. Separation and visualisation of DNA on agarose gel
2. DNA extraction
3. Virtual electrophoresis
Part 1 involves casting a gel, which then requires approximately 30 minutes to set, followed by 1 hour to run. Consequently, you might want to cast the gel and let it set whilst you undertake Part 2 - your DNA extraction. Make