a) In terms of Science – “The Law of Conservation of Energy”, “Kinetic Molecular Theory”, “The Laws of Motion”… these are just three of the multitude of scientific laws we contemplate about here in Science. They may all sound casual to us since they’ve been taught since Elementary but I tell you, these should not be just taken for granted because the scientists who “discovered” them went through long nights of tedious works before these works become ubiquitously accepted and taught scientific laws. The “Scientific Method” for instance is a systematized procedure done by the scientists to study those works
b) In terms of Indigenous Knowledge – There’s no scrupulous system of formulating ideas for ideas people know are just technically acquired through experiences or based on tradition, they even have “superstitions”.
For instance, you knew that when you drop something downwards it will fall to the ground. How do you knew? Because you’ve dropped things before and those things did fall to the ground and that’s how you knew it. That’s indigenous knowledge, it’s gained through experiences. But to use Science to explain the reason behind it is Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, and it’s not the type gained just by experiences.